
Simultaneous quantification of 17 constituents from Yuanhu Zhitong tablet using rapid resolution liquid chromatography coupled with a triple quadrupole electrospray tandem mass spectrometry

期刊名:Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
文献地址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0731708511003281
发表日期:1 November 2011


A rapid resolution liquid chromatography coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (RRLC-QQQ) was employed to identify and quantify the major bioactive constituents in Yuanhu Zhitong tablet (YZT), a traditional Chinese medicine. Seventeen constituents were simultaneously determined and quantified by reference standards in 9 min, namely scopoletin, protopine, α-allocryptopine, tetrahydropalmatine, coptisine, tetrahydroberberine, corydaline, berberine, byakangelicin, byakangelicol, xanthotoxin, bergapten, pimpinellin, oxypeucedanin, imperatorin, osthole and isoimperatorin. All of them were performed on an Agilent XDB C18 column (4.6 mm × 50 mm, 1.8 μm) with linear gradient elution of acetonitrile–0.3% formic acid water (pH 2.7). The proposed method was applied to analyze 15 batches of samples with acceptable linearity (r2, 0.9938–0.9999), precisions (RSD, 1.01–4.92%), repeatability (RSD, 1.33–4.91%), stability (RSD, 1.46–4.86%), recovery (RSD, 1.11–4.81%) of the seventeen compounds. Furthermore, the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis was applied to classify 15 samples based on characteristics of the 17 compound markers. As a result, the analytical method possessing high sensitivity and speed is suitable for the quality control of YZT.



Byakangelicin, byakangelicol and coptisine were purchased from Chengdu Herbpurify Co. Ltd(Chengdu, China). 

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