
Nonaqueous CE ESI-IT-MS analysis of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids

期刊名:Journal of Separation Science
文献编号:Doi: 10.1002/jssc.201201083
文献地址: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jssc.201201083/full
发表日期:25 February 2013



The Amaryllidaceae are widely distributed medical plants. Lycorine, lycoramine, lycoremine, and lycobetaine are the major active alkaloids in Amaryllidaceae plants. A nonaqueous CE ESI-IT-MS method for separation, identification, and quantification of the Amaryllidaceae alkaloids has been developed. The MS1–3 behavior has been studied and the fragmentation pathways of main fragment ions have been proposed. The effects of several factors such as composition and concentration of buffer, applied voltage, composition, and flow rate of the sheath liquid, nebulizing gas pressure, flow rate, and temperature of drying gas were investigated. Under the optimal conditions, the linear concentration range of these compounds was wide with the correlation coefficient (R2) >0.99. RSDs of migration time and peak areas were <10%. The LODs were <240 ng/mL. The proposed method can be successfully applied to the determination of the related alkaloids in the Lycoris radiata roots.


The reference compounds of lycorine, dihydrolycorine, lycoremine, and lycobetaine were obtained from Chengdu Herbpurify company (Chengdu, China).

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